Ok, I now this is the second one this year but this one is for real...I think. The first one was done in extremely short amount of time. Soo now we are talkin'. I've put almost everything I had and all the good stuff. Render looks a lot better on my laptop, then after vimeo compression, but anyways It is "almost" the same. There is one new shot from the short a was talking about hire. This new was lighten by Zbyszek Swat so high five for him.
Ok here it is as I promised. Not a full short but just a piece. This scene was fully mine in matter of animation, lighting, rendering and modeling/texturing of a doctor's character. I did compositing, vfx as well as facial rigging of a doctor character, hair and cloth simulation.
Special thanks here to Michał Pancerz for modeling props and eviro in this shot, and rest of the crew.
C&C and welcome.
Here's my new demo. My excuse is that it was done in real rush in 24h :P. Not a lot of new stuff but there are few shots from the short movie we're still working on. But the good news is that I've got a job.. yeaaaah:). That's right starting this monday. I'm so exited. The agency's name is Televisor based in Warsaw, if you want to see more visit their web site televisor.pl - good stuff.
I will try post some videos from the short next time. See ya.
PS: If theres gonna be any spare time I will try to make another one with more shots from the short.
It's been a while since my last post. This one unfortunately won't bring anything new b/c it's an old project that was posted on my YT channel. In Drimagine school we had a opportunity to prepare an ident for ATM Grupa. This was my proposition. There few propositions that were chosen out of hmm...I don't we remember (maybe 8;/). Winners were given 500PLN each. Unfortunately I didn't win ;(. But on the good side I have new thing to put in my portfolio and a practice of After effects :D.
Hey there. It was a long time gone after my last post. So today I come with with an update. There is two projects I left behind because they need a little bit more work and I don't want to post the too soon. One is an cg integration shot in a live footage film and second is a character rig. A lot of crazy stuff is coming so stay tuned. Right now am working on a short movie with a group of my friends. To be accurate its a group of five. As a start i'm posting few concepts of mine.
Today I'm posting my first animation done from start to the end. You can see below the final result. I have used Alfred rig which is available on the creativecrash webside. All done in maya. There are some issues with the shadow and not smooth shoes (...damn) ;]. Anyway the task was to animate and that's the final result. Your feetback is very welcome.
And here it is my first self-portrait but my friends are saying that is not me:P. Anyway I hope to finish it in color but we will see. To picture myself I use ordinary mirror, so no photos here (probably thats why it's not me ;P).
At last both reels are on the net and I can share them with you. These are two show reels from 3 months of work we did there. You can see my part in "Group A" reel but anyway I encourage you to see both of them.