sobota, 20 lutego 2010

Transformations in 3D Space

I came across really improtant clues and tip regarding transformation in 3D and i've decided to share. These tips are from Paul Neale a professional rigger. It's a kind of help file describing how really the transformation tools work.

Bardzo pomocne porady od Paula Neal'a opisujace jak naprawde działają transformacje w 3ds max.
Warte przeczytania.

sobota, 13 lutego 2010

Coffe Mugs

Two post in one day?!?! I have to mark it in my calendar :P. These are my coffee mugs that I made for a weekly contest in one of the 3D groups in Image was rendered by Mental Ray.
Full image is available at this link.
Drugi post dzis to naprawde ewenement jak na mnie:P. Zaznaczam to w kalendarzu:D. Wrzucam prace renderowana w Menta Ray'u na konkurs jednej z grup 3d na deviantarcie.
Tu jest link do pracy na link.

Flying high

Hey this post brings a big project on which me and my friend have been working. This was our university project. We will work on it to develop full story. This is only the first shorter version.
My personal part regards worn on the hole character starting from scratch (modeling, creating UV's, texturing, rigging, skinning, animating in some scenes).
Hej ten post wnosi troche więcej. Jest to projekt nad którym pracowałem z kumplem i byla to nasza praca zaliczeniowa na uczelni. Projekt będzie jeszcze maglowany by przedstawić cała historię. To jest póki co pierwsza wersja.